Wednesday, December 15, 2004

What a {good} day

I still have not read my art history, but my computer graphics portfolio is completed and submitted. It seemed weird that it was our last class. I probably won't see most of those people again (because we're in different majors) and class ended without ceremony. Its was kind of melancholy. I got out of class much earlier because I only had to submit my disc. Professor Woodburn laughed when I told him we were scheduled for a final exam next week.

I finally picked up the last Slate issue of the semester and four of my photos were published in it. Here they are (two of them have been in this blog already)(they are black and white in the Slate):

"American Trike"

"Autumn on the Athletic Fields"

"Roslyn Viaduct"

"Self Portrait No. 4"

Now I'm a published photographer. I'm hoping to actually be involved with the Slate next semester.

I wonder if there is time to read my Art History before class tonight......


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