Monday, August 08, 2011

Translation of map of Turov

I used Google translate to translate the map. There is nothing on the map that indicates the Jewish shtetl area as far as I was able to translate. I do not speak read or write Belorussian and I don't even know the alphabet but thanks to technology you can get an idea of what things mean.

Byelorussian to English

плян m. турава - plan (?) Turov
умоўныя знакі - symbols

дарога - road
будынк - building
царква - church
спады узгоркаў - downs of the hills

умоўная рыска, вышэй якой распаложана навейшая частка турава - conditional risk, above which there are more than a new part of Turov

абалон - flood-plain
абалоньне - abbalone ? probably something to do with flood-plain probably

p. - рака - river
p. прыпяць - River Pripyat
p. струмень - River Flow (translation), strumień (transliteration)
p. язда - River Driving (translation), jazda (transliteration)

канава - ditch
крэпасьць - fortress
крэ пасьць - fast crack

балота - swamp
барысаглебскі магільнік - burial Sts
могілках - cemetary

чырвоная пл. - Red Square
вул. - street
вул. леніна - Lennin Street
кастрычніцкая - october
плошча - area
кастрычніцкая плошча - October Square

да р. у в. хольчыцы - to the village holchytsy

вул. камсамольская - Komsomol street
" луначарскага - Lunacharskogo street
" калініна - Kalinin street

поле - field

дарога - road
дарога у в. дварэц - road to the village palace
да р. у в. азараны - Azarian

"купа" - "pile"

map source: shtetl links

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

плян m. турава - plan (?) Turov
м. - мисте - сity

5:40 AM  

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