Thursday, March 04, 2010

BBC: WW2 People's War is an amazing collection of stories

The BBC has a really amazing collection of stories from people that lived through the second world war. They are first hand accounts and they are great reads. They are not just from soldiers but from all kinds of folks. The stories offer incredible insights into the lives of ordinary people in wartime. I just finished reading one that was written by a Churchill tank driver/mechanic named Frank Meredith. He spent much of his time in the 9th Battalion of the Royal Tank Regiment, often driving a Churchill tank named IMMUNE II.

"I didn't find the name very encouraging. What had happened to IMMUNE I?"

CLICK HERE to read Frank Meredith's whole story.

Between June 2003 and January 2006 the BBC collected 47,000 stories and 15,000 images. CLICK HERE to go to the project's homepage.

I quite wonder if any organization in the US collected stories on this scale.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words regarding my father's recounting of his wartime experiences. He really enjoyed writing them down and I am so glad that he will be remembered for them. He passsed away in 2004 having lived a full and happy life, the one that he fought so bravely for!

Greg Meredith

11:54 AM  

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